The Homework Wizards is an American international homework assistance/tutoring company. We are the Uber of Tutoring! At a simple homework request which is routed to Homework Wizards who provide either onsite, facetime, chat, web conferencing or teleconferencing, students can have worldwide tutoring assistance at their fingertips!The Homework Wizards are Independent Business Owners whom earn great money providing tutoring services at their location and sometimes from the comfort of their own homes! Our Homework Wizards are paid weekly for their tutoring services. Pat yourself on the back for considering starting your own indpendent business with us, taking ownership of your time and freedom, and most importantly for Saving Our Children in Education for Todays Youth (S.O.C.I.E.T.Y)!
Are you a parent who is stuck on how to assist your kid with their homework? Are you a student who needs help with their homework right away, with an A or B guaranteed?! If you answered yes, then The Homework Wizards are just for you!